A bit large size chilli – 200 Gms,( not bajji mirapa / chilli),
Salt,( as required ),
Oil – 2 to 3 Tablesp,
Haldi – 2 pinch,
Dhania powder – 2 Tsp,
Jeera powder – 2 pinch,
Groundnut / peanut chutney – 4to 5 Tablesp,
1).Wash chillies, wipe, and slit chillies vertically without removing stem. Remove seeds partially if chillies are very spicy.
2).Add dhania powder, jeera powder,haldi, 2 pinch of salt to peanut chutney and mix well.Stuff this mix in chillies .
3).Heat oil, arrange stuffed chilli with out overlapping (in preferably flat pan ). Fry them under low flame till they change colour and well fried giving nice aroma. Remaining stuffing (if it is there ) you just sprinkle on the chillies and fry for few seconds. Remove and serve them as side dish.This is served best for curd rice. You can have them for rice preparations /chapathi etc.
a).Preparation of ground nut chutney is in my recipe list.You can check it if you desire.You can use your own ground nut chutney recipe for stuffing. Removing seeds is your option.