This is a quick preparation of Aloo with minimum ingredients.
Potato / Aloo / urlagadda ( Telugu )- 250 Gms,
Red chilli powder – 1 Tsp,
Haldi – a pinch,
Oil – 1 Tablesp,
Jeera powder – a pinch,( optional).
1).Wash,peel and cut potato into 1/2″ cubes.Drop them in boiling water with little salt and let them cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
2).After 3 min. Remove the cubes. Heat oil, fry them under low heat stirring now and then till they turn golden in colour and crispy.
3).Sprinkle chilli powder,haldi,jeera powder and a pinch of salt .Toss well so that potato cubes are well coated with the masala powders and keep stirring for one more minute.
Serve as side dish with hot sambar rice/ curd rice.