Crispy potato balls with stuffing

These potato balls are prepared with hung curd stuffing,
Potato – 200 Gms,boiled ,peeled and mashed ,
Suji / semolina – 1Tablesp,
Fried gram flour – 2 Tablesp,
Poha – 4 Tablesp,coursely powdered,
Hung curd – 4 Tablesp,
Garam masala – 1/2 Tsp,
Red chilli powder – 1/2 Tsp,
Haldi – A pinch,
Grated ginger – 1/2 Tsp,
Ajwain – 2 pinches,
Onion – 1,small, chopped very fine,
Green chilli paste – 1/4 Tsp,
Lemon juice – few drops ( optional),
1).Combine hung curd with chat masala,a pinch of salt,chilli paste,cashew nut bits,chopped coriander,onion and lemon juice.Mix well and keep it aside.
2).Combine potato mash,suji,gram flour,salt,red chilli powder,garam masala,ajwain,ginger and haldi,Mix well and prepare a smooth paste.
3).Devide the potato mix into equal size balls (about 10 balls).Take a ball ,make a depression and fill it with little stuffing.Gather the edges and close it.Prepare all balls likewise.
4).Roll the stuffed balls over the course powder of Poha and deep fry them till light golden in colour.Remove the fried crispy potato balls on a plate over paper napkin.(to absorb excess oil if any).
5).Serve this tempting snack with chutney / tomato ketchup.
This dish is a good starter recipe / can be served with evening tea.
You can use crushed corn flakes in place of Poha.
