Rice Flour Crackers/Pappu Chekkalu


Tasty Rice flour crackers/pappu chekkalu


Fine Rice flour-4Cups

Fried Gram Dal-3/4Cup(coursely powdered)

Ground nuts,fried and husk removed-1Cup(Crushed into very course rawa like with rolling pin)


Red chilli powder-1Tsp

Hing-2 Pinches


White Til-1Tablesp

Oil to deep fry

Haldi-2 pinches

Chopped Curry patta leaves-1Tablesp


1)Take rice flour in a wide mixing bowl.Add coursely powdered gram dal,crushed groundnuts and salt.

2)Mix well and add jeera,hing,til,haldi,chilli powder,curry leaves and 2Tablesp of hot oil.

3)Mix throughly with hand so that all ingredients are blended well.Add water little by little and prepare a smooth and pliable dough.Cover and keep it for 15min.

4)Take some portion of dough and devide it into small balls (usually a little more than the size of gooseberry)

5)Make thin rounds on a greased plastic sheet.

6)Deep fry the discs under medium high heat to light golden in cOlour.

7)Remove them on a kitchen napkin to abosorb excess oil if any

8)Fry 5 to6 Crackers at a time in a medium size frying pan.Do not over crowd them.

9)Keep them in air tight container.They keep fresh,tasty and crispy for 2 to3wks.


a)Rice flour:you can use store brought flour or flour prepared by soaking rice ,drying and grinding into powder at home/mill.But the flour should be fine.Seive the flour if it is from the store

b)Gram Dal should be roughly powdered.Put the dal in a mixie jar and run the mixie just for 2sec

c)Ground nuts should be crushed with a rolling pin on a plain surface like chakla

d)Take small portions of dough at a time and prepare discs in batches and fry.Keep the dough bowl covered till all the dough is used up.

e).You can prepare flour in large quantiy and add all required ingredients( except waterand curry leaves).Mix throughly and keep in a clean bottle or tin.You can use it later.(preferbly within 10days as we have added nuts)

